CXPAGEUSB, Connex Page PC Paging Application with USB cable for CX4U or CX5U (Single User Only)
- Send messages directly from your PC with Scope Connex Page software package
- Interface to a Connexions transmitter via RS232 serial for stand-alone systems or Ethernet for full network paging
- Send messages to multiple Connexions transmitters using your LAN or VPN
- Each pager can access up to four transmitters simultaneously
- An unlimited number of pagers and transmitters can be configured
- Forward email messages directly to your pager when you are away from your desk
- Advanced scheduling functions
- No software or hardware need be installed on your server
- Transmitters with Ethernet interfaces are accessed via their own IP addresses
- Type 'live' messages or select text from a user-defined list.
- Set up your own pager groups
- Multiple user configurations with password access